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Light Bodies: Part One – an Introduction

Writer's picture: Sergei GusevSergei Gusev

Light Body

First of all, there's a lot of confusion around this topic on this planet and this dimension. And, of course, there are multiple ways of looking at the subject.

It is a rich topic and a topic that has potentially been understudied by humanity.

So, let’s dive in.

The first question and point to look at is this:

"How many bodies does a human have?"

There are many answers to that question. I could give you a few answers and all of them would be correct.

  • I could tell you that a human has five bodies and that would be correct.

  • I could tell you that a human has seven or nine and that would be correct.

  • Or I could tell you a human has unlimited bodies; that would also be a correct answer.

Today, let’s focus on what is the "truth," and how to navigate this seemingly complex, confusing subject.

You could think of this concept by picturing the Russian Matryoshka doll. It's a doll within a doll within a doll within a doll.

The smallest “body” would be the physical one. And then, every other body on top of it has a slightly bigger diameter – from the higher perspective.

That's why there are so many right answers to this question.

The answers that people have come up have different perspectives. Looking at this from the highest perspective, as a soul, humans have an unlimited number of bodies.

They never end.

Every time you feel like you've reached the top, that top opens up and you see a new level. And, within that level, there could be potentially thousands of more bodies.

Now, the interesting part is, if you were looking at human bodies from a 3D perspective, which is the perspective of an incarnated human on Earth, you would actually only be able to perceive five total, not an unlimited number.

Of course, the majority of the population is not able to see things with their third eye, so most people would not even perceive this many

Even the most advanced practitioner would likely only be able to differentiate five."

Before we discuss the five, understand that there is so much terminology around the names for these bodies; this is not necessarily serving humanity in trying to understand this concept. Instead, it causes confusion.

Depending on which belief system you go into, which religious system you go into, all of these things might be called completely different.

My intention here is not to establish the "correct terminology." Terminology is just a collection of words. The way words have been applied to the system of light bodies is not serving humanity today.

The goal here is to provide as much clarity as possible to the differences between the bodies using simple words to help you distinguish the difference between the bodies.

Let me quickly walk you through what the five bodies are first.

Then, we can dive a little bit deeper …

#1: The Physical Body

First, there's always the physical body.

Everyone knows what that is.

That's the thing that you see in the mirror: the simplest body for you to comprehend.

For many of you, it’s the only body you associate yourself with.

#2: The Energetic Body

Then, you have a second layer, that second "doll" covering the first.

Here, the terminology already starts to get pretty confusing. Think of this second body as an energy body.

Your physical body really needs your energetic body to be able to function. Energy is that spark of life. You cannot get movement unless you have energy.

Some people call this second body the "etheric body," but that tends to be a limiting perspective.

#3: The Emotional Body

The third body is the emotional body.

A lot of schools of thought call it "the astral body," or they say that astral is the same as emotional.

This creates a lot of confusion; an emotional body is just that: an emotional body.

There's no point in calling it "astral" in the same way that there's no point in calling the energetic body "the etheric body."

#4: The Mental Body

Your mental body has an over-shell that a lot of other people mistake for another body, but it's not. It's one and the same body.

Your mental body has an over-shell of something generally called the "causal body." It involves the concept of cause-and-effect.

I'll explain later what that means, but it's just part of the mental body. They're inter-connected and it makes no sense to divide them into two.

If this post was about trying to subdivide a human into as many bodies as possible, instead of trying to understand the structure, we could say that those are two.

But our intention here is to try to understand what the bodies are and how to work with them. For that sake, it makes more sense to bring them together.

#5: The Spiritual Body

The fifth and final body is the spiritual one.

Now, this is where things get really interesting because, depending on what dimension you're at, that spiritual body is where the rest of the bodies reside.

From a low-dimensional perspective, everything in the spiritual realm is so high-dimensional, so they all get clustered into one big body. But you can find an infinite number of layers in that spiritual body.

If you were to get 5D consciousness, go a little bit higher in terms of vibrations, you would be able to see and comprehend that this spiritual body is divided into three major sections.

Three Layers of the Spirit Body

In other words, this fifth body is actually three in one – the three layers of spirit body.

Your spiritual body is something that has to do with spirit. It's the least physical of all the bodies that you have access to.

Truly, the spiritual body is what you are left with when you disincarnate. All the other bodies – the mental, the emotional, the energetic, the physical – they kind of fall away.

And what you're left with is a soul, the integrated knowledge and memory of those bodies. And that is "you."

Everything else is kind of like an outfit you put on when you incarnate. So, technically, you are not anything other than your spirit body.

Your spirit body is your soul.

Now, if you're operating with a little bit higher consciousness, you would be able to see that your spiritual body has three distinct layers: the lower, the middle, and the upper.

Layer One: The Personal Spirit Body

The lower level is your personal spirit body. You could also think of it as your divided spirit body. That is when your soul is perceiving itself as separate from the rest of creation.

In other words, your out-of-body soul entity has multiple levels of consciousness that are available to it. As it keeps evolving and learning, it gets access to higher and higher perspectives.

The lowest perspective of a spirit body is that of division. It's not just in the physical that you feel separate from the rest of creation; it is in the lower vibrations of spirit consciousness that you would experience extreme separation also.

These would be the lowest level of the spirit body. Then, moving into seventh dimension, what becomes available to you is what I would call, "extended consciousness" or "extended spiritual perspective." That is when you start perceiving more and more things outside of yourself as part of you.

As an example, when you have access to the lowest plane, we would call the lowest plane of that spiritual plane, "spiritual body."

This is the place where you feel most separate from creation … but you're still connecting to that bigger consciousness. What signifies spiritual bodies is you connecting to something bigger than yourself, something outside of yourself.

Somebody with access to those planes generally has access to things like their personal guides – even in 3D – guidance from the higher realms, high levels of intuition, lucid dreaming. They would feel whether they're on their path or off their path.

In the higher aspects of that, you would start getting access to your past lives, future lives, parallel lives: all the information about you or for you.

You might think of it as the "personality," of the soul, which resides in the lower level of that spirit body.

Layer Two: The Cosmic Body

Now, moving up one notch, we would reach what a lot of people would call your "cosmic body."

Your cosmic body is your extended self. It would be a human who gets access and perspective and understanding into the galaxy they live in.

So, when they meditate or get guidance, they get galactic levels of guidance.

They're bigger than themselves, bigger than the planet that they're on, bigger than potentially their immediate family, bigger than their race.

It is access to the akashic records of a galactic level – everything that was, everything that is, and everything that will be – the emotional and mental state of the galaxy, and all the knowledge that belongs to the galaxy.

If you go a notch higher, this is still the extended consciousness level. Some people divide that into yet another body, but we're not going to do that here. Everything that's extended consciousness, we're just going to call your “cosmic body” for the sake of simplicity.

At this level, you might get access to the consciousness of your parallel galaxies, all the galaxies in the vicinity of your galaxy.

And then, the absolute highest level you could possibly experience is what I would call "the body of oneness." That is pretty much when you feel one with Source.

Dimensions and Light Bodies

On the subject of dimensions and how they correspond to light bodies, different perspectives are going to give you a different number of dimensions.

The perspective that I hold is that there are roughly 12 dimensions, yet that last dimension is a collective dimension that could potentially open up to more.

Somewhere around the fifth and sixth dimension, you get access to the lower level of the spirit body.

Again, this includes all the things that have to do with you: information about your past lives, future lives, parallel lives, your personal “karma,” etc. Your spirit guides – which are either your spirit family or the guides that want to coach you specifically – would also be available to you on those levels.

You might not necessarily be able to commune with Source consciousness all the time, although you could say that all your guides are part of that Source consciousness, as far as you're concerned.

Whether access to this level is available for people in 3D depends on your soul gifts and your soul evolution.

At this point in time, many souls incarnated on Earth are very much “3D souls.” This planet and its consciousness are a perfect match to their vibration.

These are the people who have never gone beyond 3D.

At the same time, you have souls incarnated here on Earth that have mastered up to the 11th dimension. They're coming down here to experience 3D. Generally, they have missions attached to their lives.

These beings, by the virtue of who they are as souls, always going to be able to access those higher dimensions even from the limitations of the 3D consciousness.

The lowest level of spirit bodies is available to "normal" 3D people; it is what you would call your gut feeling, intuition, or even your dream state. That is pretty much the first experience, as a young soul evolving, of what spirit feels like in the incarnated physical world.

Somebody who is a 5D consciousness has access to more layers of that spirit body. They're able to leverage that to start getting guidance from their personal guides, their spiritual family, or whoever comes through.

This is that first layer of people who will start having special abilities, all kinds of clairvoyants, clairaudients, telepathy, healing, and more.

With all these higher, lighter bodies, you either have them or you don't.

Your light bodies might be well-developed because you're a very old soul and you “did your homework” so to speak; you worked hard, and you completed your missions and you didn't break too many soul contracts.

All those things in combination have provided you with more sophisticated, enabled, evolved, light bodies.

If you come into 3D having all those things built up, you will always have access to them … to a certain degree, because this is who you are.

But if you are a 3D soul that is young or stuck or didn't put in the right work, if you are someone who was breaking contracts and not following through with promises, then you might not have your light bodies as well developed.

It doesn't mean they're not there.

The potentiality is always there. It's just that they're not going to be that helpful to you, because they're so thin and there's so little energy coursing through them that, in essence, they're inaccessible to you.

Soul and Spirit – Is There a Difference?

We have established that we're spirit bodies that live in the spirit realm, if you will.

We're a spirit body that has a number of layers, depending on who we are.

At this point, you might be wondering what the difference is between soul and spirit – or if there even is a difference.

In the most simplistic way, the soul would be the feminine aspect and spirit would be the masculine.

In akashic fields of Earth, it's quite fascinating that the concept of the soul tends to be placed below the concept of the spirit on the “hierarchy.”

Earth, as a society, a planet, a collective consciousness, perceive the masculine aspect to be having a higher power; this is a patriarchal type of system.

The truth of divinity is that those are equal aspects.

Your soul is not supposed to be below. Soul is connected to the emotion. Spirit is connected to the intellect.

That's why spirit is considered more masculine, intellectual, less emotional, whereas soul would be that emotional, feminine, fluid, aspect.

Although they are at the same level, in the planet’s society, your god is masculine, your source is masculine, your creator is masculine.

As a collective earth consciousness, you're in denial of the feminine aspect of creation, and the feminine aspects within yourself.

For the sake of this exercise, however, you can use spirit and soul interchangeably – as one and the same thing.

If you ever want to take a deep dive into the masculine, feminine, yin-yang, balance of gender, soul and spirit would not mean the same thing.

There is a disbalance between divine masculine and divine feminine and education is needed about the massive blind spots on this planet.

But we can save that for another day …

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