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The Physical Body – Body Scanning and Understanding Pain

Writer's picture: Sergei GusevSergei Gusev

Physical Body

An Overview of the Physical Body

Your physical body can be likened to a shell that enables you to ground yourself – your spirit – into the dense vibrations of 3D.

It is a costume, if you will, of dense energies, dense cells, that enable your light, refined soul energies to anchor themselves in this dimension and impact this dimension on a physical level.

That is what the physical body is in its most simple form.

It's also the least complicated of the bodies, because you look at it all day, every day in the mirror, so you see yourself. You're very familiar with that body that you have.

The Importance of a Physical Body Scan

You can inspect your physical body with your transcendental inner vision in order to get to know your body better.

A body scan is one of those very simple techniques that most people – even if they're not very evolved – can do and practice. It could be an interesting exercise.

A full body scan is recommended every time you have pain.

You might also choose to do it every season, whether you are experiencing pain or not.


Because our bodies change every season to adapt to the coming season – especially if you live in an area where there are massive fluctuations of temperatures across the season.

Your body prepares for the next season by shedding layers of skin or by increasing the number of layers, for example.

Scanning your body is a good exercise. The most simplistic way could be by starting with an organ – if an organ or particular area of your body hurts.

You want to zoom in on that organ and inspect it. Look at where that pain is. Is it on the surface of the organ? Is it within the organ?

And then, you should be able to locate what that pain looks like:

  • What geometric shape it has

  • Whether it's light or heavy

  • What color it has

  • Whether it is warm or cool

Why is this helpful?

Humans, in general, don't understand pain … and by not understanding it, they're not able to heal themselves.

The Importance of Understanding Pain

There is an aspect of today's society that has been conditioned to run away from pain as opposed to run towards it. The Western world, especially, is a society of painkillers.

They go through childbirth, and they want painkillers for that instead of experiencing and learning from that pain.

This is just one example, but if humanity, instead of trying to kill pain of childbirth, would allow itself to face it head on, we would have already moved into pleasurable birth instead of painful birth as a society.

Because our relationship with pain is that of avoidance or resistance, we're not able to understand, process, and evolve through the message the pain is giving us.

In a society where killing pain is a habit and is a widely embraced avenue and course of action, we are never going to see a healthy population … and by healthy, I mean physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

The pain in your physical body could be an indicator of something that is off and out of balance with any of your other bodies. Because they all are one Russian doll, all outer bodies influence the inner bodies, and all inner bodies influence the outer bodies.

It is very much a symbiotic system that is one integral entity, as well as a number of layers within that entity; they're not separate from each other.

It is a system that's entirely interconnected.

When we face pain instead of suppressing it, that is a first step to healing.

When you're feeling pain, the last thing I would encourage you to do is take a pill to get rid of it, because you will be getting rid of a symptom, not the root cause.

By going into that pain and scanning the organ, you're trying to understand that pain and the message that it holds.

An Exercise in Understanding Pain: Listen to Its Message

There could be so many different reasons you're in pain.

Here is a simple exercise you could do:

Speak to that pain as if it was a part of yourself that had a message for you.

In your head or out loud, you can have a roleplay type of exercise, which should happen in parallel with you scanning your body.

As mentioned earlier, if you're looking at that organ that is hurting, you first want to examine and pinpoint where that pain is.

Once you are able to see with your transcendental vision what shape it is, what color it is, if it's heavy or light, warm or cool, etc. then you can invite that pain to share its message.

Pain is always a message, and you need to hear it.

Until you hear it, you cannot heal. You're only postponing that which is inevitable by killing the pain, because you can only suppress it for so long.

Eventually, you reach the place where you cannot kill pain anymore, because the message needs to come through.

That's why they say you cannot buy health …

But you can hear that message.

So, talk to that pain.

Ask it how long it has been living in your body.

You might be surprised by the answer.

Some pains have been with your body since your childhood, and they just are starting to manifest right now.

Some have been there for years, weeks, or days, depending on the type of pain.

But if you ask, it'll give you an answer.

Ask it why it is located in this particular area of your body.

Why did it choose a certain part of your body?

Is this a manifestation of some physical trauma?

Or perhaps it represents an emotional wound that needs healing.

Ask your pain what it's trying to get for you.

What is its service to you that is performing at this moment in time?

How is this pain attempting to care for you in the spirit of the greater good of your whole organism?

Ask your pain how you can get healed from it.

This pain will tell you exactly what you need to do.

Sometimes, the answer will feel drastic:

  • Divorce your husband.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Change your job.

Sometimes the pain that you have would enforce you to develop a new habit that you've been resisting:

  • Drink more water.

  • Exercise more.

  • Get better sleep.

  • Take on another healthy habit.

Sometimes the pain that you have is going to ask you to give up a food that you're attached to, or another human in your life that you spend too much time with but it not healthy for you.

There are times the pain is going to be there to have you give up a dream, because that dream might potentially be leading you alongside a wrong path.

Sometimes the pain that you have is going to be ancestral, which means it would permeate through generations upon generations of your familial lineage. Those tend to be the hardest ones to heal, but this doesn't mean it's impossible.

Listen to the answers very, very closely and write everything down.

Write down the questions on the piece of paper, and then write down the answers coming from that pain that you're talking to.

Sometimes it'll suggest you do multiple things, not just one.

Lean into those suggestions and see how your life might change.

The Signal of Pain: A Wake-Up Call

Pain is a very extreme signal. You don't always have to get to that state.

In fact, if you're listening to your body, and if you're doing all the interim steps of scanning it and taking care of it, you will rarely have to go to the pain threshold; that's generally the last stop before things get really bad.

It's a serious wake-up call. There are signs of disbalance way earlier on before pain starts being manifested.

Signs of Physical Disbalance

If you're feeling anything that actually has to do with energy levels – if you're not feeling the same energy level that you used to, this is the first red flag.

Feeling tired or not fully refreshed when you wake up is an indication that you need to start scanning your body immediately.

If something shifts in your body, and your body stops digesting a particular type of food, that is always a red flag. Something is changing in your body and is shifting, and instead of being blindsided by it, you'd rather get ahead of it.

There are other signs that something can be wrong even before pain hits:

  • Cracks in your bones

  • Losing the elasticity in your body and being unable to stretch as far as you used to

  • Feeling very thirsty when you wake up in the morning

If you're thirsty, or you have a dry mouth, that means organ systems inside of your body are also thirsty, which means that they cannot get rid of the toxic byproducts.

  • Feeling unable to fully breathe

If you feel congested, if you feel like you cannot take a deep breath and hold it for a minute or so – any type of respiratory difficulty without pain is a cause to start examining your body.

  • Becoming emotionally unstable

Perhaps you notice a shift in your emotional state compared to how it used to be; you are getting annoyed easier than before, or angry, or you're sentimental and cry more than usual … or you become indifferent and you're used to being the opposite.

All of these are warning signs that something is happening, and that shift might not be to your benefit.

Other signs include:

  • Digestion issues – it doesn't feel optimal; you feel gassy and bloated.

  • Heart palpitations or increased blood pressure.

  • An uneven pulse – sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow.

  • Your body retaining too much liquid – you wake up with puffiness under the eyes or in the face.

  • You have sensitivity in your scalp all of a sudden.

  • A toothache – even a minor one – or bleeding gums.

For any of these symptoms, you should do the full scan of your body.

There are so many. All these red flags get brushed under the rug for the most part.

If you were to listen to these warning signs at the time that they are supposed to be listened to, you would never have to go through pain.

Your body is sending you 1,000 signals before it sends you signal of pain. It wants you to learn the lesson in the least detrimental, least painful way possible.

Pain is the last frontier when all else fails.

So, let's say you have some skin issue, and then you do a body scan, and you see that one of your organs is not in good shape.

First, it's important to get the message.

The issue can be physical or mental or emotional.

The message could be, “You need to drink chamomile tea six times a day.”

Once the message is received, it is important to take action on it. Part of having a relationship with your body is not just listening to it, but truly hearing it.

Would you want to have a relationship with somebody who ignores your calls and never picks up, or who comes to you asking for advice and then never follows through on what you told them?

You wouldn't, because that's not a relationship. It's a one-sided game.

The Physical Body – Your Greatest Ally

The physical body is our greatest ally in this quest that we're all going through on Earth.

But you do need to understand it's not truly yours. It's borrowed.

It's borrowed from planet Earth, Gaia, as well as the two ancestral lines you come from – your mom's and your dad's side.

The physical body is borrowed by you, and so there must be a symbiosis between you and the body.

The body is your greatest ally, so for the sake of your evolution, and for the sake of being on this journey with you, your body will go to great lengths.

If it serves you to become terribly overweight, it will go those lengths with you.

If it serves you to develop stage-four cancer, it will go those lengths with you.

It is feeling the pain in the same way that you are, and it will go through that journey with you, because it is your greatest ally.

Now, that ally expects a couple of things.

It would really appreciate it if you would talk to it and listen.

In the morning, when you wake up:

  • Ask your body how it's feeling.

  • Ask what you can do better to take care of it that day.

  • How can you treat it?

  • Do you have any habits that are not serving it?

That is what having a relationship with your body feels like.

Many people go the opposite route.

They have this ally at their fingertips, but when it starts giving them a message, instead of going within to try to understand what its message is, they go to the doctor – a third party that has absolutely no clue what the body is trying to tell them.

The only thing doctors know is some level of pattern recognition.

They're looking at it like, "Well, I think your body is telling you X, based on another 1,000 patients and my textbook."

They try their best, of course, but they don't know.

A pain in the liver could have over 3,000 root causes from mental to emotional to physical, to past life, to generational trauma, to karmic bonds.

If you truly want to get answers, developing a relationship with your body is the most important thing you can do. Your body will always respond. The more you talk to it, the more it responds.

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